Клима уред Inverter Daikin FTXC - 50B
- опис на производот
- профил на компанијата
опис на производот
Опис на производот:Карактеристики на производот
Flat, stylish front panel blends easily within any interior décor and is easier to clean
Online controller (optional): control your indoor from any location with an app, via your local network or internet
Seasonal efficiency values up to A++ in cooling
Choosing for an R-32 product, reduces the environmental impact with 68% compared to R-410A and leads directly to lower energy consumption thanks to its high energy efficiency
Оваа единица може да се користи во комбинација со следниве единици.
Energy saving during standby mode
Current consumption is reduced by about 80% when operating on standby.
Fan only
The unit can be used as fan, blowing air without heating or cooling.
Auto cooling-heating changeover
Automatically selects heating or cooling mode to achieve the set temperature.
Vertical auto swing
Possibility to select automatic vertical moving of the air discharge flaps for efficient air and temperature distribution throughout the room.
Fan speed steps (5 steps)
Allows to select up to the given number of fan speed.
Titanium apatite deodorising filter
Decomposes bothersome odours of for example tobacco and pets
24 hour timer
Can be set to start operation anytime during a 24 hour period
The unit restarts automatically at the original settings after power failure.
Online controller via app
Control your indoor unit from any location via app
Powerful mode
Can be selected for rapid heating or cooling; after the powerful mode is turned off, the unit returns to the preset mode.
Comfortable sleeping mode
Increased comfort function that follows a specific temperature fluctuation rhythm.
Auto fan speed
Automatically selects the necessary fan speed to reach or maintain the set temperature.
Dry programme
Allows humidity levels to be reduced without variations in room temperature.
Air filter
Removes airborne dust particles to ensure a steady supply of clean air.
Infrared remote control
Starts, stops and regulates the air conditioner from a distance.
Self diagnosis
Simplifies maintenance by indicating system faults or operating anomalies.
Flat, stylish front panel blends easily within any interior décor and is easier to clean
Online controller (optional): control your indoor from any location with an app, via your local network or internet
Seasonal efficiency values up to A++ in cooling
Choosing for an R-32 product, reduces the environmental impact with 68% compared to R-410A and leads directly to lower energy consumption thanks to its high energy efficiency
Оваа единица може да се користи во комбинација со следниве единици.
Energy saving during standby mode
Current consumption is reduced by about 80% when operating on standby.
Fan only
The unit can be used as fan, blowing air without heating or cooling.
Auto cooling-heating changeover
Automatically selects heating or cooling mode to achieve the set temperature.
Vertical auto swing
Possibility to select automatic vertical moving of the air discharge flaps for efficient air and temperature distribution throughout the room.
Fan speed steps (5 steps)
Allows to select up to the given number of fan speed.
Titanium apatite deodorising filter
Decomposes bothersome odours of for example tobacco and pets
24 hour timer
Can be set to start operation anytime during a 24 hour period
The unit restarts automatically at the original settings after power failure.
Online controller via app
Control your indoor unit from any location via app
Powerful mode
Can be selected for rapid heating or cooling; after the powerful mode is turned off, the unit returns to the preset mode.
Comfortable sleeping mode
Increased comfort function that follows a specific temperature fluctuation rhythm.
Auto fan speed
Automatically selects the necessary fan speed to reach or maintain the set temperature.
Dry programme
Allows humidity levels to be reduced without variations in room temperature.
Air filter
Removes airborne dust particles to ensure a steady supply of clean air.
Infrared remote control
Starts, stops and regulates the air conditioner from a distance.
Self diagnosis
Simplifies maintenance by indicating system faults or operating anomalies.
Категорија:Уреди за климатизација , Опрема за греење и ладење
Продавач:Милмарк инженеринг
профил на компанијата
Милмарк инженеринг
- Опис на компанијата:Милмарк инженеринг е овластен дилер на Daikin, Viessman и Actionclima во Македонија. Услуги: - Вентилација и климатизација(HVAC системи) - Опрема за греење, вентилација и климатизација - Проектирање и изведба на инсталации за греење - Одржување и сервис на опремата за греење, вентилација и климатизација - Испорака и монтажа Производи: - Алуминиумски лим во ролна и профили со висок квалитет - Котли на цврсто гориво - Вентилатори - Чилери - Клима комори - Вентил конвектори - Сплит клима уреди-инвертер СЕКОГАШ КОГА Е НАЈПОТРЕБНО - МИЛМАРК ИНЖЕНЕРИНГ!
- Име на контакт лице:Горан
- Адреса:М.Т.Гологанов 64-а лок.10
- Поштенски број:1000
- Град:Скопје , Македонија
- Мобилен #:075 358991
- Телефон #:075 311631
- Локација на мапа:Прикажи