Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit OEM DVD
- product description
- company profile
product description
Product Description:Product Features
The web that works the way you do
Windows 10 comes with Microsoft Edge, a browser that’s built to give you a better web experience. Write or type notes directly on webpages and share them with others, read online articles free of distraction, and save your favorite reads for later access.
Multi-doing helps you get to “done” faster
Easily snap up to four apps in place and see all open tasks in a single view. You can even create virtual desktops when you need more space or want to group things by project.
Interact with your device however you want
Touch, type, write: the choice is yours so you can use whatever works best for what you’re doing.
Flexibility to work how you want
Windows 10 enables your apps to look and work great in all modes, on all devices. On 2-in-1 devices, your screen can be optimized to work with touch or keyboard and mouse.
Microsoft Windows 10 – Pro – 64-Bit – DVD – OEM
The web that works the way you do
Windows 10 comes with Microsoft Edge, a browser that’s built to give you a better web experience. Write or type notes directly on webpages and share them with others, read online articles free of distraction, and save your favorite reads for later access.
Multi-doing helps you get to “done” faster
Easily snap up to four apps in place and see all open tasks in a single view. You can even create virtual desktops when you need more space or want to group things by project.
Interact with your device however you want
Touch, type, write: the choice is yours so you can use whatever works best for what you’re doing.
Flexibility to work how you want
Windows 10 enables your apps to look and work great in all modes, on all devices. On 2-in-1 devices, your screen can be optimized to work with touch or keyboard and mouse.
Microsoft Windows 10 – Pro – 64-Bit – DVD – OEM
Category:Other Consumer Electronics , Software
company profile
- Company introduction:Вулфинет е компанија посветена на инсталирање, снабдување и дизајнирање на ИТ решенија за мали и средни претпријатија. Поседуваме сертифициран тим на професионалци кои ке одговорат на секој предизвик. Нашата главна цел: е овозможување на квалитетни продукти, ефикасни решенија и овозможување на најквалитетна услуга за нашите клиенти. Ви ветуваме брз одговор и трајни решенија за сите ваши проблеми и потреби. Нашиот високо обучен тим ке ви донесе ИТ решенија базирани на вашите потреби. Ние ги употребуваме најновите хардверски и софтверски системи, предностите во комуникацијата и сигурносните технолиогии за да ви овозможиме зголемена мрежна продуктивност и оптимално решение за вашите ИТ потреби. Ви нудиме техничка поддршка 24/7, поправка на системи, мрежен консалтинг и дизајн на компјутерски мрежи и системи.
- Contact Person Name:Столе
- Address:Фјодор Достоевски 9/1-2
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #:02 2032733
- Fax #:02 2032733
- Year registered:2006
- Total employees:12
- Geo Location:Show