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Money counter Currency Discriminator CAT-800

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product description
  • Product Description:Currency Discriminator CAT-800 is a professional machine for counting the MKD, EUR and USD . Characteristic of this type of machine that does not miss banknotes that are different from the set Denomination. Features which features CAT-800 are cases where other machines in this class, miss the larger banknotes. For example : In bankroll of 500 MKD denars other machines will miss 1000 MKD denars, but here it is not the case . The machine offers high reliability and simultaneously detect fake money. Another feature is that this machine count mixed money and gives a detailed report of how the various pieces have money and of course the total amount of money. CAT-800 counter and detector for different banknotes are characterized by a unique function for determining the value of counted notes. When banknotes are counted, and the total value amount under for each value of the bill will be shown on display. FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES :Functions and features: - Counting the value in EUR, MKD denars and USD (mixed mode identifies and counts mixed banknotes) - Simple and easy to use discriminator at different banknotes - Function of Detection: More banknotes / different banknotes / detection of fake notes - Counting speed: 900, 1200, 1500 banknotes per minute - Speed of counting value, discrimination and detection of fake notes: 900 pieces per minute. - Detection of counterfeit • UV detection ( ultraviolet) • MG- detection ( magnetic) • IR- detection (infrared) • DD-detection size (width) • 3D-detection size (in length) • MT-detection code on a metal tray • Connect to a printer, PC, external display via RS-232 serial port - Optional accessories: printer, remote display. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: • enumerated banknotes: Length 109 ~ 184mm, height 50 ~ 90 mm • funnel capacity: up to 500 banknotes • staker capacity: up to 200 banknotes • Display of the counter: 128x64 LCD display • Butch display: 1 ~ 999 • Connectivity Interfaces: 1xRS232C port (9pin D ~ SUB), USB • Detection of counterfeit money: UV, MG / MT, IR • mode of discrimination and counting of banknotes: Mixed / Single / Count • Power supply: AC100V ~ AC240V, 50 ~ 60Hz • Power consumption: 50W in operation, 13W in Standby • Dimensions (W x D x H): 232x279x272mm • Net weight: 7,3 kg • Operating temperature: 5-40 ° C • Relative humidity: 30-70 ° C.
  • Availability:Contact
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    Panter faks

    • Company introduction:Пантерфакс е фирма која е основана 1996 година чија дејност е трговија со видео и аудио опрема. Се вбројуваме меѓу најуспешните во областа на електронската заштита. Денес во современиот свет на живеење им помагаме на нашите потрошувачи и клиенти на поедноставен и полесен начин да дојдат до реализација на своите потреби од областа на: - аудио-видео надзор, - хардвер и софтвер, - медии и потрошен матерјал, - осветлување (рефлектори), комплетна опрема за работа на продукции и ТВ куќи. Исто така поседуваме богата палета на машини за броење на банкноти, монети и детектори за пари. Пантерфакс е сертифициран овластен дистрибутер на повеќето брендови кои ги увезува.
    • Contact Person Name:Пантер факс
    • Address:Живко Чинго 4 ( до ресторан Скопски мерак)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Year registered:1996
    • Total employees:5
    • Geo Location:Show
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