Bio Plantella leaf balm, 200ml
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product description
Product Description:Pantella natural oil-based leaf balm cleans and dilates leaf pores and prevents plant deposits and dust with smooth leaves, allowing them to breathe easier. Restores the natural shine and healthy appearance of clean and healthy leaves. It has no unpleasant odor and does not drip.
Availability:In Stock
company profile
- Company introduction:We already protect your neighbors and their families from unwanted, unpleasant and painful consequences caused by pests, and also we want to protect and you. So we are preparing a complete program for protection against pests made specifically to your needs and only for you. We use products that are inspected, proven and tested, and manufactured by leading world manufacturers. PRIMATEKS protects your home and takes care of your family.
- Contact Person Name:Борјан
- Address:бул.Александар Македонски 46-а
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Total employees:15
- Geo Location:Show
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