Rose Hips 500 mg 60 caps
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product description
Product Description:Rod extract (fruit of wild rose) has the highest intake of vitamin C than any other fruit or vegetable. A cup full of fruit bars contain vitamin C quantity as much as it has in 40 oranges. The bar also contains vitamin A, B1, B3, C, E, pectin, tannins, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and bioflavonoids. Pulp and rind of the bar contain bioflavonoids which have a synergistic effect with vitamin C which enhances its absorption into the body. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid known as) human body can not synthesize, so it must be inserted with a proper diet or dietary supplements. Modern lifestyles, environmental pollution, the impact of computers and electrical appliances, cigarette smoke etc.. are factors that increase the need for input of vitamin C, so that this dietary supplement is necessary even for the healthiest people. Medical uses: - It strengthens the immune system and fight off infections, colds, flu and viruses; - Helps combat stress and chronic fatigue; - An excellent tonic for exhaustion and used in rekovalescentnite ill; - Powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and slows aging; - There antioxidant effect, clean and detoxified the body from harmful foreign substances; - The latest research shows that smokers destroy 25-100 mg of vitamin C in the body with each cigarette -the rod has the ability to upgrade the lost vitamin C and also helps to reduce nicotine addiction; - Helps to reduce cholesterol in blood and strengthens the cardiovascular system; - Demonstrate antialergic-action strengthens the immunity of respiratory level and helps in the prevention of allergies; - The bar has anti-inflammatory, and laxative effect - Increases physical fitness and general well-being of the organism. Linus Pauling In, winner of the Nobel Prize, eating bar in high doses can prevent and fight cancer. Each capsule of this product contains 500 mg of pure herbal extract bars, produced by Swanson Health Products specifically for you. Dosage: Use as a dietary supplement, 1-3 capsules taken daily or on the recommendation of a doctor.
Category:Supplemental Nutrition
Seller:Vitamix - Swanson
Place of Origin:
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company profile
Vitamix - Swanson
- Company introduction:Swanson Health Products Company was founded in 1969. and is the realization of the dream of one man to bring health and prosperity in the world. Today, Swanson Health Products continues this dream and there are millions of consumers in the U.S., Europe and around the world who are aware of the preciousness of health, as well as products that help us in its preservation and maintenance. Liland Svanson is the first founder of Swanson in 1969 and he has set the basic principle of operation of this company who says: "Good health and satisfaction of our valued customers are our main mission and objectives." Today, the company is under the leadership of Lee Junior Svanson (Lee Swanson Junior) and located in a modern facility with an area of 120,000 m2 in the industrial park in Fargo, the capital of North Dakota.Swanson Health Products manufactures and distributes a broad range of nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, products from herbs, animal products, amino acids, homeopathic means, essential fatty acids, enzymes, Ayurvedic, vegetarian, sports and cosmetic products and many other products. The products of Swanson Health Products are of organic origin and are guaranteed quality and purity. They are certified by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Institute in the U.S. and "A" class or superior class voGMP (Good Manifacturing Practices) - the organization that represents and protects the highest quality raw materials, industrial production and commerce of nutritional supplements in the U.S. China, Europe and worldwide. This "A" class means that all products are marked with Swanson brand is manufactured in accordance with the latest technological, nutritional and biological experts and achievements and are one of the top high quality dietary supplements in the world. Thanks to the Vita-Mix LLC, these products are available in Macedonia. Vita-Mix Ltd. Export Import was established in 2004. Mr. Ljubomir Bozino.
- Contact Person Name:Верче Божиновска Бабунски
- Address:Bul. Jane Sandanski 25/1-2
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
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