Candied Strawberries
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product description
Product Description:Candied strawberries have high energy value of around 340 kcal per 100 grams. Fresh strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese. Vitamin C regulates the transport and storage of iron, it plays an important role in enhancing immunity, strengthening the blood vessels and keeping gums, teeth and bones healthy. The refreshing taste of candied strawberries is unique, and its distinct flavor unbeatable.
Category:Fruit Products , Vegetable Products
Seller:Alkaloid AD Skopje
company profile
Alkaloid AD Skopje
- Company introduction:ALKALOID AD - Skopje is a company that for more than seven decades now is in the business of manufacturing drugs, processing botanical raw material, manufacturing cosmetics and chemical products.
- Contact Person Name:Продажба
- Address:бул.Александар Македонски 12
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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