BAKROFIT - biostimulator for increasing the resistance of the plants
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product description
Product Description:Bakrofit 40. Natural biostimulant in powder form, which affect the increase of the resistance of plants, allows better utilization of nutrients from the soil, and thus indirectly affect growth, development and the yield of plants, inciting them to fully use their biological potential. The Biostimulator contributes to increasing the resistance of plants to disease (blight, freckles on leaves, bending of the leaves, etc.) High and low temperatures, drought, etc.
This product contains five мakrobiogen elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium), and two mikrobiogen elements (copper and iron). The product is dominant with copper content (40% Copper II Sulfate) having a catalytic role. Is included within the series ferments and through them it affects the number of processes taking place in the plants such as breathing, protein synthesis and synthesis of anthocyanins.
In the absence of copper occurs chlorosis, necrosis, wilting of the leaves and the appearance of anatomical changes especially in the construction of the conducting systems, reduced growth and yield. The specific combination of natural mineral complexes in preparation is providing extended and balanced action. Such characteristics due to the built-in stabilizer (Zeofit) which enables prolonged action time of constant concentration of active substances.
- DOSAGE: 0.3 - 0.5% concertation of the solution( depending on the culture)
Viticulture – 0.35% concertation of the solution
Fruit Growing – 0.4% concertation of the solution
Gardening 2kg / ha. concertation of the solution
Method of use: Foliar application (every 10-14 days)
Note: It can be mixed with products based on oil for winter treatments.
Suitable for organic production
Expiration date: Unlimited
Keep in dry rooms. ;
- Method of use: Foliar application (every 10 – 14 days) ;
- Note: It can be mixed with products based on oil for winter treatments.
This product contains five мakrobiogen elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium), and two mikrobiogen elements (copper and iron). The product is dominant with copper content (40% Copper II Sulfate) having a catalytic role. Is included within the series ferments and through them it affects the number of processes taking place in the plants such as breathing, protein synthesis and synthesis of anthocyanins.
In the absence of copper occurs chlorosis, necrosis, wilting of the leaves and the appearance of anatomical changes especially in the construction of the conducting systems, reduced growth and yield. The specific combination of natural mineral complexes in preparation is providing extended and balanced action. Such characteristics due to the built-in stabilizer (Zeofit) which enables prolonged action time of constant concentration of active substances.
- DOSAGE: 0.3 - 0.5% concertation of the solution( depending on the culture)
Viticulture – 0.35% concertation of the solution
Fruit Growing – 0.4% concertation of the solution
Gardening 2kg / ha. concertation of the solution
Method of use: Foliar application (every 10-14 days)
Note: It can be mixed with products based on oil for winter treatments.
Suitable for organic production
Expiration date: Unlimited
Keep in dry rooms. ;
- Method of use: Foliar application (every 10 – 14 days) ;
- Note: It can be mixed with products based on oil for winter treatments.
company profile
- Company introduction:Strmos mines inc. nonmetal Probishitip was established in 1984. The main activity is exploitation and processing of non-metallic minerals: quartzite, opal breccias, amorphous white opalizite tuff and Zeofit. Exploitation is carried out based on concession, contracts and mining permits. The company has production capacity of 200.000 tons per year (per shift), capacity utilization is 64% with 36 employees. Strmos inc. Probishtip is a company that works on innovative solutions for better and above all ecologically clean agricultural production. Strmos inc. Probistip is a leader on the domestic market in production оf improvers of the structure of the soil, decontaminators and environmental friendly products for feeding and plant protection. In the field of ecology produces products which are particularly important for maintaining clean environment. It has its own development center where daily tests are carried out in order to develop new products to protect human health through eating healthy and unpolluted agricultural products, as well preserving clean environment.
- Contact Person Name:Злата Басарова
- Address:Ул. Makedonski Revolucioneri br.56
- Post Code:2210
- City:Probistip , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1984
- Total employees:36
- Export percentage:45
- Geo Location:Show
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