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Uniplast BK

  • Company introduction:UNIPLAST is the leading company for development and production of reinforced polyester products in Macedonia. Since its foundation in 1986, our company develops and qualifies itself in accordance with our costumers’ demands and needs. As a result, we have created a system which is in continuous improvement. UNIPLAST is a company specialized for production of GRP (glass reinforced plastic products). The company’s success is due to several key factors: Orientation towards quality production; Flexibility towards our costumers’ demands and needs; Professionalism in making models and moulds for new products; Excellent characteristics and unlimited possibilities of reinforced polyester; Thanks to the above mentioned key factors, we developed and produced a great number of different products most of which projected in accordance with the customer’s request. In order to present our company better, we would mention some of the main groups of products: Tanks, pools and containers as a part of the equipment in food, metal, construction, agriculture and many other industries, as well as in many households and individual buildings. Sewage Manholes and water meter boxes; water supply harness and pleasure chambers; tanks for wastewater treatment plants installed in many water supply-systems, sewage-systems and wastewater-treatment systems. High voltage insulation panels installed in many types of electrical installations; Ventilation parts (blinds, ventilation channels, extractor hoods) as a part of sophisticated ventilation systems of many factories and cargo liners. Boats, pedal boats, pontoon floats; Public equipment (kiosks, street-market counters, adventure-playground parts…); Fiberglass Body for camping trailers. All our employees make personal effort to understand and fulfill our costumers’ needs. Thanks to the managements’ orientation to invest in know-how and development, every employee is responsible and motivated for professional achievement of his job, which can be achieved with continuous development and training.
  • Contact Person Name:Бојан Ковачески
  • Address:Партизанска б.б.
  • Post Code:6330
  • City:Struga , Macedonia
  • Year registered:1986
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete81.25%
Number of products52
Member since26 Avg, 2011
Last activity21:12:27 , 10 Feb, 2019
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