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  • Company introduction:Portline is a leading marketing agency that works exclusively on offering airport advertising space (indoor/outdoor). The company was founded in 1999 in Istanbul, but in a short period of time it managed to spread beyond Turkey. Today the company is present in more elite airports worldwide, and starting from 2012 it is present in Macedonia as well, at the Airport "Alexander the Great." The Airport advertisement is an important element of many advertising campaigns, with good reason. Advertisements placed on the airport always attract a large number of consumers because of the eye catching visual displays. Airport advertisements offer a luxurious look in a pleasant environment which has a positive influence in the target groups as well. Airport advertisements are usually colorful and interactive, thus conveying the message without hesitation and in a highly focused manner to an attractive audience giving no room for "escape". Portline clients are well known companies that enjoy the modern trends of airport advertisement offered by Portline. Some of the advertising options available at the airport are: Advertising on standard panels - Backlighted,Unlighted. Special executions:Branding of escalator,of columns, of windows, of walls. Promotional stands,Promotional activities .....
  • Contact Person Name:Петар Рибарски
  • Address:Пиринска 23, кат 4
  • City:Skopje , Macedonia
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete71.88%
Number of products8
Member since12 Jul, 2012
Last activity16:20:32 , 12 Jul, 2012
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