Академик Доеел Скопје
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product description
Product Description:In the Commentary on the Law against Unfair Competition, in addition to domestic theoretical thought, the matter is also commented on from the aspect of comparative law, especially EU law. A special place in the Commentary has the rich domestic and foreign court practice, which confirms or criticizes certain decisions and / or legal solutions. Additional value of this paper is given by the part of the Commentary where each article of the Law against Unfair Competition states the connection with the provisions of other Macedonian laws and international regulations (international conventions and agreements ratified by the Republic of Northern Macedonia and EU regulations and directives ).
Availability:In Stock
Seller:Академик Дооел Скопје
company profile
Академик Дооел Скопје
- Company introduction:- Најбрз и најлесен пристап до целокупното важечко законодавство на Македонија преку сеопфатната и дневно ажурирана збирка на прописи, akademika.com.mk - Пристап до стручна, квалитетна и богата правна литература - Релевантни и практични обуки на правни теми поврзани со секојдневното работење - Годишна конференција „Управување со правни ризици“
- Contact Person Name:akademik@akademik.com.mk
- Address:Рајко Жинзифов
- Post Code:50
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #:02 3246813
- Telephone #:02 3237465
- Geo Location:Show