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  • Company introduction:COMPANY- Neocom was established in May 1990.Major investment in all these years is investment in training of its professional employees. Implementation of modern technologies and high professionalism of technical employees in accoordance with the world standards and criteria, resulted Neocom to become the leading company in Macedonia in the area of information technology. Company’s continuous growth in last years resulted with enviable financial level, crowned with the new modern business center of more than 7.000 m2. STRATEGY AND VISION- To keep continuous and positive growth of the company in order to protect the interest of shareholders. Implementation of high international standards in ICT via continuous following of modern technologies and trends - international companies and their standards at reach of the customer. Greater competitivenes in ICT is only a challenge for Neocom to be allways a step ahead of others. To continue to be attractive for young and talented experts, creating environment favorable for creativity and affirmation. To provide customers with high level of services, equipment and solutions, which will allow better competitiveness, quality and growth of their business. MISSION- To provide customers with high level of services, equipment and solutions, which will allow better competitiveness, quality and growth of their business. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES- As leading ICT company in Macedonia, Neocom has the extensive area of business activities: - Maintenance and support of hardware equipment - Maintenance, training and support of operating systems, databases and development tools, - Designing and production of integrated computer network and systems, - Assembling of personal computers, - ICT Consultancy, - Application solutions for Document Management, archiving, editorial and agency system and integrated banking system.
  • Contact Person Name:Славко
  • Address:ул. Кузман Јосифовски Питу бр.15
  • Post Code:1000
  • City:Skopje , Macedonia
  • Telephone #:00389 (0)2 5511 200
  • Year registered:1990
  • Total employees:50
  • Geo Location:Show





Company profile complete78.12%
Number of products112
Member since21 Jul, 2011
Last activity09:40:16 , 28 Jun, 2024
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