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Metal detector for the pharmaceutical industry

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product description
  • Product Description:Присма Индустриале е водечки италијански производител на системи за контрола во индустријата, и тоа: контрола на контаминација со метали и други загадувачи (Метал и рентген детектори), системи за контрола на тежина на продуктите и протекување на пакувања. Опремата е составен дел на имплементацијата на НАССР системот во процесот на производството.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Seller:Forma
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:FORMA is a family company, founded in 1991, which, after nineteen years established itself as a leader in the field of industrial coding, marking on the Macedonian market. With its partner network of world-known companies: Videojet Technologies International, Willett International, Carl-Valentin Gmbg, Korthofah, SIC Marking and Prisma Industriale, offers a wide range of solutions for coding, marking and control in the industry, including: • Videojet Technologies - U.S.A. with it's sister company Willett International and Marsh is the world's biggest manufacturer of industrial marking and coding solutions. • Valentin Carl - Germany is a manufacturer of thermal transfer label printers and labeling systems. • Kortho - Holland is a producer of systems for contact marking. • SIC Marking - France is the world's leading manufacturer of dot marking and laser scribing printers. • Prisma Industriale is a leading Italian manufacturer of metal detectors for production control and implementation of HACCP system. In recent years there's been real expansion of the application of our devices in all branches of industry. Our customers use them to improve the quality of products, to enhance the control by marking the date, the time, serial number, export declaration, label and many other markings and signs such as: BEST BEFORE. Also, the devices that we offer are basic prerequisite for obtaining certificates of ISO and HACCP.
    • Contact Person Name:Џартовски
    • Address:Прозорска 13
    • Post Code:1300
    • City:Kumanovo , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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