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Dodo children playground

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product description
  • Product Description:**TAXES and TRANSPORTATION are not included.Prices are EX-WORKS IZMIR BASED **Installation of Equipment is belonged to buyer . If requested a Technician will be provided . **All expenses of technician including accommodation, travel, assistance etc. Shall be on buyer's account **Ground must be prepared before installation excavation and all labor-ship will be on buyers account. **± 5 % deviation may occur in the size and weight of products **CEMER has the right to make any technical changes. **Productions have T.S.E, ISO 9001-2000, ISO 14001, ISO 18001 and “Safety Tested” certificates **Our productions are in accordance with TS EN 1176-1..7 standards. **Although these equipment's are designed for indoor . They can be used outside
  • company profile

    MSA Company

    • Company introduction:Спортски објекти и игралишта Подлоги (акрил, тартан, полиуретан, гума) Вештачка трева Надворешни и внатрешни детски игралишта Надворешни фитнес справи 072/ 654461 078/ 226536 info@msamk.com www.msamk.com
    • Contact Person Name:Адем Сејди
    • Address:Томе Пуре 1
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Cell Phone #:078/226536
    • Telephone #:078226956
    • Geo Location:Show


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