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Nursing home for elderly - Elisaveta

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product description
  • Product Description:With us you are not alone! We exist in order to provide high quality service and ease of the elderly and their families. Old people's home, Elizabeth, is intended for elderly care which, because of their age or any other reason can not live at home or in a family environment. We are here to offer our comfortable accommodation and quality care in a pleasant ambiance in our home. The nursing home is located in Karpos 4 municipality Karposh (old TV biulding) with a capacity of 41 users. The location is in the urban part of Skopje, yet provides perfect peace and relaxation. It has 19 rooms, double and triple, and apartment rooms. On each floor we have a living room, kitchen, dining room, bathrooms adapted for disabled people. Our tenants have daily care, in terms of supervision, care and treatment, our experienced professional team is composed of: doctors, nurses, nurse, social worker and physiotherapist. The home has a fenced yard filled with greenery, flowers, summer house and benches, where our customers can relax in peaceful surroundings and in relaxing ambiance. The house has secured elevator that tenants use for easy transport on both levels of the home. We organize daily activities, such as: - Common walks along the river, visit various cultural sites in and outside the city, planting of garden flowers and other creative activities in nature; Celebration of birthdays, yearbooks and other important dates; - Companionship through fun games such as chess, domino cards, etc.; - Reading poetry and novels; - Hanging out with children in collaboration with local nurseries and other activities as desired choice, certainly in line with his aspirations. Our goal is to maintain and continue the life of the elderly,make them feel younger, happy and satisfied. Let our home be your home!
  • Category:Elderly Care
  • Availability:Contact
  • Seller:Elisaveta
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    • Company introduction:Дом за нега на стари лица Елисавета. Основани сме со цел да им се пружи висококвалитетна услуга и олеснување на старите лица и нивното семејство. Домот се наоѓа во општина Карпош IV, со капацитет од 41 корисник. Локацијата е во урбаниот дел на Скопје, а сепак им пружа совршен мир и опуштање на својите становници. Располага со 19 соби, двокреветни, трокреветни како и апартмански соби. За нашите станари секојдневно се грижи, во поглед на надзор, нега, лечење и организација на социјалниот живот, нашиот искусен стручен тим. Целта ни е да го одржиме и продолжиме животот на старите лица, да се чуствуваат помладо, среќно и задоволно. Нека нашиот дом биде и ваш дом!
    • Contact Person Name:Елисавета
    • Address:Никола Парапунов 25-а
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Telephone #:026146880
    • Fax #:02
    • Geo Location:Show


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