Colposcopes Leisgang
- product description
- company profile
product description
Product Description:Leisegang precision mechanics-optics is an old traditional German family company that works in this field for more than 120 years. National and international colposcopy Leisegang to be designated as the "gold standard" and as such are exported to more than 70 countries.
Colposcopy of Leisegang known for their brilliant optics in conjunction with the new LED technology allows precise Gynecologists picture quality three-dimensional impression, which provides the most accurate diagnosis.
The range of offered colposcope is wide and extends from simple standard colposcope with the possibility of tuning to increase photo / video colposcope with integrated or external camera connection monitor which can be further forwarded to the patient or graphic image processing.
Colposcopy of Leisegang known for their brilliant optics in conjunction with the new LED technology allows precise Gynecologists picture quality three-dimensional impression, which provides the most accurate diagnosis.
The range of offered colposcope is wide and extends from simple standard colposcope with the possibility of tuning to increase photo / video colposcope with integrated or external camera connection monitor which can be further forwarded to the patient or graphic image processing.
Category:Medical Devices , Medical Equipment
company profile
- Company introduction:ХИПОМЕД Медицинска техника се дефинира како партнер на здравствените установи и доктори кој нуди квалитет и сигурност, со истовремено високо ниво на поддршка за клиентот, сервис и одржување, и сето тоа по исклучително поволни цени. Брендовите чии застапници сме ние, се вбројуваат меѓу најквалитетните во Европа, познати по традицијата и квалитетот. Работиме со производители кои ги поседуваат сите сертификати на ЕУ и кои се пласираат првенствено во Европа.
- Contact Person Name:продажба
- Address:ул. 50 Дивизија 30/1-2, Скопје (под Клинички центар Скопје)
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #:070/274517
- Telephone #:02 3177 915
- Year registered:2004
- Total employees:4
- Geo Location:Show