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Новогодишни честитки 40 ден.

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product description
  • Product Description:Цената на новогодишните честитки изнесува 40 ден. + ддв за новата колекција (мотив од 1 до 5) отпечатена на рециклирана хартија со вклучен коверт.
    *Мотивите 1 и 2 се со дополнителни елегантни детали изработени со селективен лак и златен тисок.
    *За количини поголеми од 500 честитки, цената ќе биде предмет на дополнителни договори.
    *Внатрешната страна на честитките може да се брендира по Ваша желба.
  • company profile

    SOS Children's villages Macedonia

    • Company introduction:SOS Children Village International is an international nonprofit organization for social protection, dedicated to protect children’s rights. With the support from many friends, donors and associates, this organization starts to help children from all over the world. In 133 countries and territories. The activities of this organization, are focused on support of orphans and children without parental care but also to children who grow up and live in socially disadvantaged families. SOS Children Villages are focused on family support, long term care for the children who lost the possibility to live with their biological families. In our villages, they can once again find supportive environment and love, growing in homes until they become young independent individuals.
    • Contact Person Name:Александра
    • Address:Ристо Шишков 31 (Димитрије Туцовиќ)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Telephone #:023290556
    • Fax #:023290556
    • Geo Location:Show


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