Furniture for children's rooms
- product description
- company profile
product description
Product Description:Taneks Furniture prepares elements for children's room by order. Children room except as a place where children play, learn and sleep, and a place where, when you become aware of themselves, they want to express their personality and interests. Because a children should be organized in a way that expresses their personal affinities. Basic elements of furnishing a children bed, closets, shelves and desk for students.
Seller:Taneks mebel
company profile
Taneks mebel
- Company introduction:Танекс Мебел“ е фирма за производство и продажба на мебел основана во 2001 година во Скопје. Во асортиманот на „Танекс Мебел“ може да се пронајде сe што е потребно за опремување на животниот простор.
- Contact Person Name:Соња
- Address:Индустриска зона б.б., Горно Лисиче
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #:078 400343
- Geo Location:Show