Lavazza Espresso coffee BLUE capsula 100% Arabica
- product description
- company profile
product description
Product Description:Lavazza Espresso coffee BLUE е производ ос сортирано, најквалитетно зрно на бразилската Арабика и Робуста, со уникатен префинет вкус и слатка миризлива арома кое дава јако и кремасто еспресо.
company profile
- Company introduction:" INTERFOOD” Company from Skopje is Macedonian bigest vending operator company for import and saling vending machines and spare parts for them. We work with many brands like:Company from Skopje is Macedonian bigest vending operator company for import and saling vending machines and spare parts for them. We work with many brands like: “SATRO " “ ICS “ “RISTORA“ “JACOBS” "COVIM" "Кафе Рио" "ZANUSSI (NECTA)“ - VENDING "GAGGIA" "SAECO" On the market we are almost 10 years and we have expert team who is ready to answers your questionas any time and any place you need. IINTERFOOD COMPANY -Provides technical support spare parts even when the warranty expired. -Asembling and placing vending machines where is needed. -Delivering goods any where is needed.
- Contact Person Name:Јасмина
- Address:ул.852 бр.7, пред стара Газела
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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