Утикачи за кабел
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product description
Product Description:Утикачи монофазни и трофазни од сите видови и произведувачи.
Availability:In Stock
Seller:Mas komerc
Place of Origin:EU
company profile
Mas komerc
- Company introduction:MAS KOMERC is a company with 15 years of experience. The company has at its disposal all types of chandeliers, oyster lights, wall lights from well known European companies and all sorts of lighting products. It has a hundred diverse commodities of electronic materials for housing and industry. With the new way of preserving electricity it has at its disposal all kinds of economic light bulbs and LED light bulbs which have very low power consumption. IN MAS KOMERC STORES, YOU CAN FIND EVERYTHING AND A BIT MORE. FOR THE DIVERSITY AND THE QUALITY YOU WILL MAKE SURE YOURSELVES.
- Contact Person Name:Мики
- Address:Иво Лола Рибар 110
- Post Code:1300
- City:Kumanovo , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1992
- Total employees:6
- Geo Location:Show
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Retail Price - VAT Included:Ask for price Command board to control the pumps