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Рина Пулфлок- Флокулант - ги врзува ситните нечистотии

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product description
  • Product Description:Рина Пулфлок- Флокулант - ги врзува ситните нечистотии

    Доколку водата е матна се дозира околу 15 до 20 мл. на 1 м3 за истата да се прочисти. Се дозира во вечерните часови, пумпата се остава да работи 3 часа за да се измеша средството во водата. Потоа треба да се исклучат пумпите преку ноќ за да може да се сталожат нечистотиите. Препорачливо е да се користи еднаш неделно или по потреба во зависност од состојбата на водата.
  • Seller:Hidros
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Hidros Company from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia is established and exists from 1991 in the field of chemical industry. Company is engaged in production, trading, export-import services in chemical industry: - On the field of basic chemistry; - Chemical treatment of swimming pool water; - Household and industrial cleaning agents, and - Selling of different chemicals according needs and demands of the customers. Hidros production factory is located near Skopje, in Jurumleri, before Police academy.Hidros exists on the market 20 years. Our mission is production according new technologies and standards, continuous research of the market and satisfied customers. Our vision is continuous growing and development of the company, introduction of new products and spreading on new markets.
    • Contact Person Name:Продажба
    • Address:ул.1 бр.102 (нас.Јурумлери, до Полициска академија)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Telephone #:00 389 (0) 2 2452140
    • Year registered:1991
    • Geo Location:Show


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