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Other Metals & Metal Products

The components of the scaffolding are produced by the process of metal stamping, piercing, embossing and bending Scaffolding integral parts: - steel seamed tubing Ф48,30 x 3,0-3,6 mm; - fixed clamps - for holding two tubes Ф48,30 mm under right angle; - roto clamps - for holding two tubes Ф48,30 under angle from 0 to 360°; - extension - to extent two tubes of Ф48,30 on the place of knots; - pedal - to bring vertical loads from the scaffolding to the ground. The use of the building scaffolding is very wide. Its assembling and disassembling are simple and fast, without the usage of a crane but with essential professional skills of the construction worker. It is used in performing masonry and facade works during building process, for maintaining height equipment in other industries and also during production of supporting construction. Storing and transport are simple and fast because it takes little space and the elements are very light.
Thermal insulation glass
Направено од две или повеќе стакла, одвоени со лајсна исполнета со материјал-текасил, овозможува звучна и термичка изолација, до толку повеќе, до колку слободниот простор се потполни со аргон. Истото може да се искомбинира и со калено или ламинирано стакло, заради дополнителна цврстина и заштита. Особено погодно е за домовите, заради својството да ја зачува топлотната енергија во зимскиот период.
Purchase of electronic waste
The main activity of NOVOMETAL is focused on recovery and trade of metal and metal elements that are consisted of metal like old vehicles, waste from electrical and electronic equipment, destructive material and other types of waste. Our activities also focus on recovery and trade non-metal waste material that derives from waste of electrical and electronic equipment, old cars and other types of waste. The waste is collected and processed in the facilities of our company in order to supply the market primarily with secondary raw materials of steel, copper, brass, iron and aluminium.

Metal boxes

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