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Tin and Tin Products

Plastic tin sheet
Production of plastic tin sheet on modern lines. Many profiles for roof covers certified by IFAC for load capacity and durability. Choice of color and production by measurement and order. Top quality and best price !!!
Plastic tin in the form of shingle
А-M Steel offers Plastic tin in the form of shingle, in the form rib tapes; in coils. We also offer Steel structures; Roof covering; Construction tinsmith; semicircular and circular gutters of plastic sheet;
Magnum insulation boards
Магнум плочите (Магнезиум Оксид или МГО плочи) се современ градежен материјал за надворешно обложување на фасади, кои нудат повисок квалитет во споредба со веќе постоечките градежни материјали.

Kamenko Avramoski

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