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Construction of Installations

Pigments FEPREN
PRECHEZA offers complete color palette of oxide pigments under the trade name FEPREN. Colors: red, brown, black, yellow, green (which is rather oxide chrome oxide). Standard Fepren powdered pigments Precheza, in accordance with modern trends are supplemented by so-called liquid pigments, pigments in many colors and shades and grain shape of the red pigment TP303. Basic Features and Application: powdery pigments are finely milled and dried and have a very high ability to color, high solubility and good distribution of particles. Proven high durability of hue and temperature resistance up to 800 ° C, and alkali resistance and all weather conditions. Applicable for the production of basic and water colors, fillers and coatings, construction of cement plaster, concrete staining products such as tile, terrazzo, floor paving brick, used for coloring rubber mixtures, plastics, floor coverings, proizvodsvto ceramic colors, glass and many other applications depending on the color. Contact us to get the best offer.
Glue for bonding ceramic tiles (white) L-1 extra
Glue for bonding ceramic tiles (white) L-1 extra Eurofix 25kg
Vacuum collectors "heat pipe"
Панелите се компактни и лесни за монтажа. Цевките функционираат независно една од друга(број на цевки: 10,15,20,25,30), се монтираат и демонтираат поединечно. Цевките се затворени со работен (инертен) гас. Навој на поврзување: -1”, испитан притисок: 10 бари, работен притисок: 4 бари, максимална температура на водата: +95C, растојание меѓу цевките: 78 mm, препорачлив проток на топлина: 50 -150 l/m2h. Дебелина на изолацијата: 40mm. Вакумски цевки: 58x1800 mm. Вакумскиот колектор “Heat pipe”, овозможува високи температури и во текот на зимските месеци.

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