Metal Building Materials
Polikolor Extra paint
EXTRA paint white acrylic coating means water-based, intended for final protection and decorative finish on interior wall surfaces. can be diluted with water (20%), and tinted with paint pigments or colored paint. Packing: 0.75l, 3l, 5l, 15l. Consumption: 1l approximately 5m2 with two coatings. Storage: In a dry place at a temperature of 5C to 35C. Shelf life: 18 months in original packaging. KEEP FROM FREEZING.
Finnish sauna 2,0m x 1,5m x 2,05m
Finnish sauna dimensions: 2,0m x 1,5m x 2,05m Finnish sauna is a dry sauna with a temperature of 80 to 110 * C and humidity up to 10% in these saunas volcanic hot stones have accumulated heat, and the combination of smell of wood and herbal aromas provide an unprecedented feeling of relaxation and enjoyment. The production of the sauna is possible in a variety of shapes and sizes. Depending on the level of equipment and luxury it can be producedfrom several types of wood: Finnish spruce, white pine, cedar, oak, African soft wood Abacha. The saunas have double insulated thermal (mineral thermal insulation aluminum foil +) of the remaining space in order to maintain heat and electricity savings. The saunas are fully equipped with all the necessary components and accessories as: electric furnace with volcanic stones, aromatizer, sand clock, thermo hydro meter etc. The Fully glass door, glass and stone surfaces will provide additional luxury of your sauna. Add extra value to your home.
Финска сауна за домашна релаксација (100cmx100cm)
Понудата вклучува: 1. Изведба и монтажа на сауната 2. Печка за сауна Harvia Vega 3,5kW 3. Комплет вулкански камења 20kg. 4. Клупи на две нивоа од бел бор. 5. Наслони за клупи, абажур за светло, штитник за печка - бел бор. 6. Лампреија за сауна финска смрека. 7. Дрвена врата за сауна со стакло по средината 8. Термоизолација + алу фолија 9. Сауна сет - ведро, црпалка, аромат, термо-хидро метар, песочен саат 10. Гарнтен рок од 36 месеци.
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