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Masonry Materials

Термо блокови Нексе (Nexe)
Енергетско ефикасен термо блок кој штеди време и пари. Термо блокот во процесот на производство содржи мала количина на адитиви и додатоци, во согорувањето на блоковите се формираат мали шуплини (пори) со кои се обезбедуват одлични термички изолациони својства. Благодарение на порозноста има помалку потрошувачка на малтер и заштедува време во текот на изградбата.Во исто време, дебелите надворешните ѕидови обезбедуваат добра звучна изолација. Термоблокот е направен исклучиво од природни материјали (глина и струготини), без синтетички адитиви по европски стандарди и норми.
Zeofit - Hygienic toilet sand for pets
This bio product provides greater hygiene in the home breeder’s pets. Fully absorbs ammonia and prevents odors in the home. The hygiene sand based on zeolite has the ability to fully absorb moisture. Ideal for care of your pet. Do not stick to the paws of pets which maintains hygiene of the pet. Ideal for apartments and indoors. Make sure the container of the cat always has enough sand. Remove the used sand as soon as possible and change the entire sand at least once a week. It is recommended to wash thoroughly with water and toilet cleaner. • USAGE: Make a seat for your pet by making a layer of 4-6 cm • EXPIRATION DATE: UNLIMITED PACKING: 5 kg
Pigments FEPREN
PRECHEZA offers complete color palette of oxide pigments under the trade name FEPREN. Colors: red, brown, black, yellow, green (which is rather oxide chrome oxide). Standard Fepren powdered pigments Precheza, in accordance with modern trends are supplemented by so-called liquid pigments, pigments in many colors and shades and grain shape of the red pigment TP303. Basic Features and Application: powdery pigments are finely milled and dried and have a very high ability to color, high solubility and good distribution of particles. Proven high durability of hue and temperature resistance up to 800 ° C, and alkali resistance and all weather conditions. Applicable for the production of basic and water colors, fillers and coatings, construction of cement plaster, concrete staining products such as tile, terrazzo, floor paving brick, used for coloring rubber mixtures, plastics, floor coverings, proizvodsvto ceramic colors, glass and many other applications depending on the color. Contact us to get the best offer.

Потребни ми се бетонски цигли 40 м2


Suporex blok

  • Duration:29 May, 2015
  • Product Description:suporex blok 20-25-60
    i 10-25-60
    za edna kuk ...
  • Quantity:400
  • Suggested price:100

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