Design Services
Organizing transport
Viator and Vektor DOO is the first shipping in the premises of the former Yugoslavia, with 50 years of tradition and experience in the operation. We have developed our own network of offices throughout the Republic of Macedonia: Offices inside: • Terminal Skopje Airport Alexander the Great • Skopje, Bitola, Kumanovo, Gevgelija, Strumica, Stip, Struga, Kavadarci and Delcevo Border cross Offices: • Tabanovce, Novo Selo, Kafasan Mother and Delcevo It allow on time, fast and organizing customs brokerage for import, export and transit of goods. For this purpose we have all the necessary bank guarantees: a deferred payment of customs duties and VAT, guarantee temporary importation, and guarantee the performance of transit goods and for each type of goods (excise-cigarettes, alcohol, oil and oil derivatives ...). Through our dominant owner Skupina Viator and Vektor Ljubljana Slovenia are represented in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic and Romania, and with it the possibility of offering additional services and logistics in the region. The expertise of staff was confirmed by the 38 licenses issued by the Customs Administration of Macedonia, on the basis of successfully passing the exam for professional competitiveness.
PANTHEON Е-ДЕЛОВОДНИК ги има следните функционалности:
•Неограничен број на деловодни книги
• Сите податоци на едно место
•Едноставен и научен софтвер
•Едноставна евиденција на влезна документација и договори
•Автоматско префрлање и архивирање на излезни документи од веќе внесените
•Печатење на излезни фактури со архивски знаци
•Автоматско водење на е-деловодник
•Автоматско известување за временскиот период за чување на документи
•Автоматско отстранување на документите со поминат рок на чување
•Поделба на документите на архивски и документиран материјал
•Автоматско генерирање на голем број на извештаи
•Едноставно пребарување по повеќе критериуми
Domestic factoring (with recourse)
Domestic factoring is a financial transaction where we purchase short-term receivables from your domestic debtors within the Republic of Macedonia. We are in constant contact with both you and your debtors in order to provide you with a constant liquidity. The domestic factoring is most popular with companies from the manufacturing industries who are forced to offer their products with delayed payment, but who at the same time are forced to pay for their production materials in advance. Our goal is to be as flexible as you need us to be, meaning we will be able to provide funding for you in a very short timeline, making this product ideal for companies who own high quality receivables and are in urgent need of liquid funds. The domestic factoring is also suitable for service sector companies who face the need for cash and thus decide to sell their receivables, as well as Macedonian import companies who distribute their products on a delayed payment.
Branded USB sticks