Individual pension insurance - 3 column
Voluntary Fully Funded Pension Insurance (3 column - individual pension insurance) - KB First voluntary pension fund - Skopje. Use the third column and open your own account - third column - voluntary fully funded pension insurance benefits allows for additional savings. The main goal of the third column is to provide more money for retirement. Why saving is usually when the third pillar gives tax breaks and thus have the opportunity to provide a dignified retirement. You set the rate and pace of payments via the Internet will have full insight into your individual account and regular monitoring of fertilization of assets, 24 hours a day. The crowd of money can be raised to 52 years old for women and 54 for men. You decide the time and manner of disbursement of funds saved. More info on 43777 02 32 / / Become our friend on Facebook - KB First Pension Companyпридобивки за дополнително штедење. Основна цел на третиот пензиски столб е да обезбеди повеќе пари за пензија. Зошто обично штедење, кога третиот пензиски столб дава даночни олеснувања и со тоа имате можност да си обезбедите достоинствена пензија. Вие ја одредувате висината и динамиката на уплатите, Преку интернет ќе имате целосен увид во Вашата индивидуална сметка и редовно следење на оплодувањето на средствата, 24 часа на ден. Насобраните пари можат да се подигнат на 52-годишна возраст за жени и 54 за мажи. Вие одлучувате за периодот и начинот на повлекување на заштедените средства. Повеќе инфо на 02 32 43 777 / / станете ни пријател на Facebook – КБ Прво пензиско друштво
Domestic factoring (with recourse)
Domestic factoring is a financial transaction where we purchase short-term receivables from your domestic debtors within the Republic of Macedonia. We are in constant contact with both you and your debtors in order to provide you with a constant liquidity. The domestic factoring is most popular with companies from the manufacturing industries who are forced to offer their products with delayed payment, but who at the same time are forced to pay for their production materials in advance. Our goal is to be as flexible as you need us to be, meaning we will be able to provide funding for you in a very short timeline, making this product ideal for companies who own high quality receivables and are in urgent need of liquid funds. The domestic factoring is also suitable for service sector companies who face the need for cash and thus decide to sell their receivables, as well as Macedonian import companies who distribute their products on a delayed payment.
Scaffolds for construction
Company LATO - Gostivar deals with rental and installation of scaffolds for construction.
Прирачник Лизинг