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Demolition, cutting and drilling concrete, reinforced concrete, asphalt, walls, etc.

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product description
  • Product Description:We are in disposal of the latest equipment from Bosch, Stihl and 9 compressors for breaking, 2 cutting machines and 2 drilling machines. We work quickly and effectively which can be confirmed by the many satisfied customers including: City Mall, Ramstore Mall, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology IZIS, Metal Institute - Tito, Ironworks Skopje, OHIS, GTC Skopje, TC Beverly Hills - Skopje, Alkaloid Inc., Kiro Dandaro Inc. - Bitola etc.. The work of Aditon: *Breaking: - Various types of concrete, reinforced, concrete slabs, concrete walls, foundations - Any type of masonry partitions, walls - Asphalt pavements - Anchors, staging, ladders - Opening of windows and doors in walls - Tiles, removing of elements from the bathroom, breaking around pipes - Opening of vents, chimneys *Cutting: - Any type of concrete, reinforced, concrete slabs, concrete walls, - Opening of windows and doors in walls - Floors, screeds - Asphalt, channels for sewage, water supply and drainage *Drilling: - Holes for ventilation, plumbing - Openings on panel and wall elements in bathroom *Removal of debris: - Complete removal and transport of debris to landfill - Droping down od debris trough special tubes to 20m long
  • Availability:Contact
  • Seller:Aditon
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    • Company introduction:Адитон е фирма која усшешно работи 10 години на Македонскиот пазар. Располагаме со најнова опрема од Bosch,Stihl и тоа 9 компресори за кршење, 2 машини за сечење и 2 машини за бушење, 9 компресори за рушење, пила за сечење бетон до 53 цм дебелина, пила за асфалт, и багер со пикамер за кршење Работиме брзо и ефикасно за што можат да ни потврдат многуте задоволни клиенти меѓу кои: City Mall, Ramstore Mall, Институт за земјотресно инженерство и инженерска сеизмологија ИЗИС, Металски завод - Тито, Скопска железара, ОХИС, ГТЦ Скопје, ТЦ Беверли Хилс - Скопје, Алкалоид АД, Киро Дандаро АД - Битола итн.
    • Contact Person Name:Aditon
    • Address:Македонија 22
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Telephone #:075387320
    • Geo Location:Show


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