EUCERIN face gel 200ml
- product description
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product description
Product Description:Eucerin Dermo PURIFYER гелот за длабоко чистење е идеален за секојдневно нежно и ефикасно чистење на проблематична кожа и акни. Ја лиишува кожата од вишокот на себум додека отстранува нечистотии и шминка. Благодарение на антибактериските состојки, го спречува ширењето на акни. Освен тоа, овој производ не ги запушува порите. Гелот се карактеризира со добра подносливост на кожата. Шифра 63580
Category:Skin Care , Personal Hygiene
Availability:In Stock
Seller:PZU Apteka VIola
Place of Origin:Germany
company profile
PZU Apteka VIola
- Company introduction:"Viola" Pharmacies are modern company whose primary focus of work is the health protection of citizens through constant monitoring and implementation of innovations for the prevention and treatment of the human organism. Since its foundation in 1992., The company has seen continuous development. Vision to offer complete service to the citizens, we realized with the functioning of both companies, "Viola" Pharmacies and wholesaler Viola Trade. In Viola will always encounter professionalism and quality service from our team of pharmacists and doctors.
- Contact Person Name:Bojan
- Address:Востаничка 59
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #:(02) 2736 462
- Geo Location:Show