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Spa center

Spa center

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product description
  • Description:In order to relax after the intense day our guests could use the spa center: fitness, sauna, steam bath and Jacuzzi. The beauty salon offers massage treatments and aroma therapies, hairdresser and beauty therapies.
  • Availability:Contact
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    Festa Sofia Hotel

    • Company introduction:The 4-star hotel is located in one of the most quickly developing area of Sofia. The hotel’s perfect location offers quick access to both the city downtown. The hotel offers 116 modern and stylish rooms, 14 of which deluxe, 3 spacious suites and a presidential suite. All the rooms are air-conditioned with spacious bathrooms, telephone, satellite TV, free of charge internet, mini bar and room service and offer magnificent views over the mountain or the city. In order to relax after the intense day our guests could use the spa center: fitness, sauna, steam bath and Jacuzzi. The beauty salon offers massage treatments and aroma therapies, hairdresser and beauty therapies. There is a restaurant and whiskey bar. Festa Sofia also offers a fully equipped business center with three conference rooms.
    • Contact Person Name:Милена Тонева
    • Address:бул. България 83
    • Post Code:1404
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
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