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Spa center

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product description
  • Description:The Spa center is fully equipped: indoor pool, body and face therapies, massage, sauna, aroma sauna, steam bath, relax room, fitness and solarium. Ski storage and parking lots are available.
  • Availability:Contact
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    Hotel Festa Chamkoria

    • Company introduction:Hotel Festa Chamkoria is located in the ski resort Borovets. The hotel is 1200 m away from the ski center Borovets and from the Gondola base station. The hotel is the perfect choice for a family vacation or a romantic retreat in the mountain. A kindergarten is available for those who have there little ones on vacation. The hotel offers 11 suites, 25 junior suites 12 double rooms and 6 single rooms. All the rooms and suites are luxury furnished. The Spa center is fully equipped: indoor pool, body and face therapies, massage, sauna, aroma sauna, steam bath, relax room, fitness and solarium. Ski storage and parking lots are available. The hotel has a restaurant and a lobby - bar and two conference rooms.
    • Contact Person Name:Милена Тонева
    • Address:к.к. Боровец
    • Post Code:2010
    • City:Borovets , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
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