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Festa Panorama Hotel

  • Company introduction:The 4-star hotel is located on the very coast and just 150m from the golden beach of “Sunny Beach” resort. The ancient town of Nessebar is on walking distance. Festa Panorama is a modern seaside resort and offers a great variety of services and facilities for amusement. The Hotel offers 225 double rooms and 15 suites. All the rooms are with large balconies, most of which reveal a breathtaking view over the Sunny Beach gulf. A magnificent outdoor pool area is overlooking the sea coast. Festa Panorama has a spacious Health & Spa Center. Beauty center and solarium are also available. Festa Panorama Hotel has two restaurants, a lobby - bar, nightclub and karaoke bar. Festa Panorama offers two large conference rooms fully equipped with conference facilities and a business center.
  • Contact Person Name:Милена Тонева
  • Address:гр. Несебър, ул. Хан Крум
  • Post Code:8230
  • City:Nessebar , Bulgaria
  • Telephone #: : клик


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Company profile complete62.50%
Number of products20
Member since11 Feb, 2013
Last activity15:17:10 , 04 Jul, 2013


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