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Consultancy services

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product description
  • Product Description:Managing your non-core business activities:
    Many companies are facing the issue to be more competitive and cut costs due to the current market situation. FMS can help you by supporting and analyzing whether to out-source or insource. We can support you in your decision whether to outsource your facility and maintenance, support you in selling your property which is not used for your business, analyze whether you use the office space efficiently and whether you can optimize your office area. Many companies does not take care but every square meter rental area which is not used properly is waste of resources which is paid by your company, our team will guide you through to identify your true needs and will come up with the most suitable solution.
    We can offer you our support to find your new office or relocate your new office. Our team or our partnership network will support you in order to suit your company at the best location which is suitable for your business. Our team can guide you through your acquisition right from offering you possibilities until contract management, all in order to make sure that your requirements have been met in full.
    Real estate project management:
    Our team can manage your project with utmost care and will make sure that all the works are being performed as requested. Our main focus is on quality assurance and keep you project within the budget. We can offer you project management in the field of your relocation, fit out, expansion and cost cutting. By outsourcing your project we will make sure that you will reduce your cost and the risk for not finishing the job on time or within the budget. We are your agents and represent your interest though out the whole process starting from planning, development execution and control of the whole project.
    Investment Consultancy:
    FMS offers investment consultancy and business advisory services for various industries in Macedonia and in SEE region. We can support you in determining your investment strategy and objectives which suits you the most in order to establish a successful business in Macedonia or in the region. In today’s world of crisis and instability it is very important to prepare a comprehensive and detailed analysis before you decide to which market you would like to enter. We offer you our services to determine which competitive advantages which this region offers to your business and you can exploit it the most. FMS helps you identifying the market opportunities for your company. By investing in Macedonia you can gain additional cost saving because your products and services can be developed or clients served at a much cheaper price. The workforce is very skilled and the salaries are rather competitive compared to the neighboring countries or Europe. The main industries which so far have invested heavily in Macedonia are industrial manufacturing companies, IT software development firms, call centers. We can offer you our services in the field of market research for your dedicated industry of interest, prepare a business plan and feasibility study for our potential investment, guide and support you through the processes and steps for business establishment in Macedonia. Our local knowledge and expertise can help you better understand the overall business climate, help you identify the potential opportunities and threats you can face by entering on the market. By choosing our team you can count on having a reliable business partner which can guide you through the whole process and you can always rely on us.
  • Category:Consulting
  • Availability:Contact
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    Facility Menagment Services (Fasiliti Menadzment Servises)

    • Company introduction:Фасилити Менаџмент Сервицес ДООЕЛ е друштво кое се занимава со целокупно финансиско управување на имоти и комерцијални објекти, нивно техничко одржување, одржување хигиена со професионални машини и ефикасни средства, хемиско одржување на климатизациски и вентилациски уреди, вклучувајќи и реновирање и преуредување на деловни простории. Меѓу другото Фасилити Менаџмент Сервицес ДООЕЛ е специјализирана компанија која може да Ви обезбеди поддршка при извршување на бизнис активности кои не се дел од Вашата основна дејност во најширока смисла, како и поддршка за влез на пазарот во Македонија уште од самиот почеток па се до завршување на проектот.
    • Contact Person Name:Јелена Шорак
    • Address:Филип Втори Македонски 3, кат 3 (Васил Аџеларски)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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