Outsourcing services
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product description
Product Description:Every company should focus on their core business in order to be able to be profitable and explore competitive advantage. This is becoming more and more important in today’s global competition playground. Despite that fact, the companies need the non-core business activities as additional support necessary to sustain their business model and growth.
Some of our services we can offer you to outsource are:
» Business process outsourcing services (BPO)
− Our BPO solutions are mainly focused on the field of administrative and back office, engineering, IT, supply chain and logistics
− Some of the services offered are: data entry, database updating, translations from various languages, invoice processing, claims processing, etc.
» The full spectrum of call center support:
− Inbound and outbound call center services such as customer service support, order management, e-mail response service, chat support, technical support, customer satisfaction surveys, direct sales, etc. We offer our services in several languages, English, Italian, German, and French. Other languages can be supported as well at request.
» HR Services:
− The human capital is the most important resource within one company. Finding the proper employee might be time-consuming and demands technical knowledge of the labor market. We can support with utmost proficiency in order to find the right people for your team. Our team can provide you with wide range of services, starting from carefully analyzing your HR requirements up to selecting and recruiting.
Some of our services we can offer you to outsource are:
» Business process outsourcing services (BPO)
− Our BPO solutions are mainly focused on the field of administrative and back office, engineering, IT, supply chain and logistics
− Some of the services offered are: data entry, database updating, translations from various languages, invoice processing, claims processing, etc.
» The full spectrum of call center support:
− Inbound and outbound call center services such as customer service support, order management, e-mail response service, chat support, technical support, customer satisfaction surveys, direct sales, etc. We offer our services in several languages, English, Italian, German, and French. Other languages can be supported as well at request.
» HR Services:
− The human capital is the most important resource within one company. Finding the proper employee might be time-consuming and demands technical knowledge of the labor market. We can support with utmost proficiency in order to find the right people for your team. Our team can provide you with wide range of services, starting from carefully analyzing your HR requirements up to selecting and recruiting.
Category:Consulting , Children's Clothing
company profile
Facility Menagment Services (Fasiliti Menadzment Servises)
- Company introduction:Фасилити Менаџмент Сервицес ДООЕЛ е друштво кое се занимава со целокупно финансиско управување на имоти и комерцијални објекти, нивно техничко одржување, одржување хигиена со професионални машини и ефикасни средства, хемиско одржување на климатизациски и вентилациски уреди, вклучувајќи и реновирање и преуредување на деловни простории. Меѓу другото Фасилити Менаџмент Сервицес ДООЕЛ е специјализирана компанија која може да Ви обезбеди поддршка при извршување на бизнис активности кои не се дел од Вашата основна дејност во најширока смисла, како и поддршка за влез на пазарот во Македонија уште од самиот почеток па се до завршување на проектот.
- Contact Person Name:Јелена Шорак
- Address:Филип Втори Македонски 3, кат 3 (Васил Аџеларски)
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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