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Apartman COCO

  • Apartman COCO

    Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
    5.004,00 RSD

    • product description
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    product description
  • Description::Centar - ulica tadeuša Košćuška 62 44 m2, broj soba:2, max broj osoba: 4

    Oprema: Cable LCD TV/ free internet konekcija/ klima uredjaj / opremljena kuhinja/ uslužno pegla i fen za kosu, toalet papiri, sapuni/ ciscenje,zamena peskira i posteljine na 7 dana ili ranije prema vasim potrebama
  • Availability:Contact
  • Place of Origin:Serbia
  • company profile

    Apartmani Crystal Code

    • Company introduction:"Crystal Code" deals with the daily release of fully furnished apartments of all structures in the most attractive locations in the city center and New Belgrade. Staying in the "Crystal Code" apartments provide you with a cost savings of at least 50% compared to hotel accommodation . Attempt, The Agency "CRYSTAL CODE" OFFERS: More than 60 well -equipped apartments Apartments that have : Internet , cable television , air conditioning Cleaning and replacement of bedding and towels Parking spaces with surveillance Transportation from airport / railway / bus station to the apartment Transportation to other destinations , per customer Of privacy and discretion The friendly staff that is always available for guests A successful business agencies testify more than 40,000 satisfied customers and over 130 companies that accommodation for your business associates are provided through us. We can boast a long-term cooperation with a number of successful companies , medical and educational institutions, organizers of sports and cultural events , production houses . In addition to collaboration with our business partners, " Crystal Code " and you stay tourists and other visitors of Belgrade whose priorities are quality and comfort accommodation . If " Crystal Code " your choice of apartments , KOnaktirajte us for more information. We hope to successful cooperation. Sincerely,
    • Contact Person Name:Lidija Radulović
    • Address:Dečanska 7/10
    • Post Code:11000
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Year registered:2007
    • Total employees:13
    • Geo Location:Show
    • More details
    Price VAT Included:6.824,00 RSD

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