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Plastic welding - Diode PID

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product description
  • Description::DIODE PID: Electronically regulated welding temperature provides a perfect work. The external air supply makes the device suitable for use in mobile installations.
    • Electronic temperature control with digital display,
    • Electronic protection heaters,
    • cooled protective tube heaters,
    • flow of air is provided turbocharged Minor or Robust.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:Marcom-Plast
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Marc-Plast Ltd. is an importer, distributor and service LEISTER for the region: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro. Certificate 2013 To testify obtained certificates, a LEISTER confirms that he is satisfied with our work as their official importer, distributor and service in this area. We are located in Belgrade - Obrenovac, in agreement with you, we provide delivery of items to you. On all products and services we offer, provide technical support, provide warranty and service. We hope that we justify your trust, that you have given us over the past years. All efforts we direct you to enable and facilitate the work with this tool manufacturers. With this tool, plastic welding becomes child's play, and you thus saving time and money.
    • Contact Person Name:Marko Zekić
    • Address:Gandijeva 5 Lamela B Lokal 3
    • Post Code:11070
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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