Electric boiler - Compact VM 6kW
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product description
Description::Electric Boiler Series Compact VM is a model that has evolved in parallel with the development of a series of eTRONICA 7000 for the company BOSCH. The idea was to use the large number of components that would be bought for the production model eTRONICA 7000 and be equipped with conventional components. Such a step, we retreated to our customers who can not afford to model eTRONICA 7000th
The only difference in these two models is that the management is implemented in this model over conventional electromechanical components. Regarding the degree of safety is on the same level as the model eTRONICA 7000th
As you can notice in the pictures that these two series boilers are completely identical and exterior design.
The only difference in these two models is that the management is implemented in this model over conventional electromechanical components. Regarding the degree of safety is on the same level as the model eTRONICA 7000th
As you can notice in the pictures that these two series boilers are completely identical and exterior design.
company profile
- Company introduction:Firma MIKOTERM je osnovana 1994. godine kao privatno preduzeće za proizvodnju opreme za grejanje. Osnovni proizvod je bio i do danas ostao električni kotao. Vremenom je proizvodnja kotlova usavršavana i proširena novim modelima i drugim proizvodima iz oblasti upravljanja grejanjem i solarnom opremom. Primena novih tehnologija, želja za usavršavanjem proizvoda i inovacijama dovela nas je u sam vrh proizvođača opreme za grejanje. Od osnivanja do danas prvi uslov je bio i ostao kvalitet postojećih - razvoj novih tehnologija. Zahvaljujući takvom načinu rada naši proizvodi su vrlo brzo stekli poverenje kupaca, a nova tehnička rešenja su nas izdvajala od konkurencije.
- Contact Person Name:MIkoterm
- Address:Sinđelićeva 4, Niska Banja
- Post Code:18205
- city:Niš , Serbia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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