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Mattresses - Without Springs Aquamarin

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product description
  • Description::The Mattress Of A New Generation

    A top-quality mattress with unique natural and thermo-active characteristics which guarantee a perfect sleep.
    The upper layer of the triple-layered core is made of high elastic memory foam which is adjustable to the position of each human body and contains extraordinary thermo-regulative adjectives. A massage effect during sleep is achieved with this specific profile of the layer. The lower layer “Gaia” is completely natural, based on water, soya beans and aromatic oils which result in utter relaxation of the sleeper. The elastic middle layer is made of cold founded foam, takes care of stability and durability of the mattress, and its specific air canals and holes contribute to a high-quality moisture and air exchange.
    The SeaCell® coverlet gives a special quality to this mattress with its woven fibers of sea algae. So we have achieved an active exchange of natural substances between the coverlet and human skin. These fibers are enriched with calcium, magnesium and vitamin E and are the guarantee for a healthy and peaceful sleep.
    If you are the proud owner of this mattress, then we recommend the usage of slates made of flanged elastic wood.

    Mattress characteristics
    anti-allergic and anti-bacterial mattress
    “Visco” elastic foam with the “memory” effect and extraordinary thermo-regulative attributes
    “Gaia” layer based on water, soya beans and aromatic oils to achieve a top-quality relaxation of a person perfect adjustment to the position of a human body
    recommended weight of a person: up to 80 kg
    "SeaCell®" coverlet with natural fibers of sea algae
    height: 17 cm
  • Category:Mattresses
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    BERNARDA d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:BERNARDA d.o.o. iz Pušćina, HRVATSKA – Firma Bernarda uspešno posluje od 1998. godine, a svoje je proizvode okitila nizom priznanja, medalja i pohvala kako u Hrvatskoj gde je jedan od najvećih proizvođača kreveta i dušeka tako i u Srbiji gde je za nepunih godinu dana uspela da napravi proboj na tržište ponajviše kvalitetom proizvoda. Ideja vodilja svih ovih godina prisutna u firmi BERNARDA je zdravo spavanje. Zadovoljstvo Vas, cenjenih dosadašnjih i budućih korisnika naše je osnovno usmerenje. Nadamo se da će ove stranice još više unaprediti našu međusobnu komunikaciju jer želimo da vam obezbedimo “DOBAR SAN ZA ZDRAV ŽIVOT”. U firmi je uspostavljen sistem upravljanja kvalitetom u skladu sa zahtevima međunarodne norme ISO9001:2000. Na osnovu toga izvršena je sertifikacija te je firma dobila sertifikat kvaliteta ISO 9001:2000. Proizvodnja je koncipirana prema evropskim standardima, kako u organizacionom, tako i tehničko tehnološkom pogledu.Takođe naši stručnjaci kontinuirano rade na razvoju novih proizvoda i inovacija koje pronalaze svoju praktičnu primenu u stvarnom životu.
    • Contact Person Name:Bernarda
    • Address:Dimitrija Tucovića 77
    • Post Code:11000
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Telephone #:00 381 11 40 55 141
    • Geo Location:Show


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