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Coverlet for matresses - Hydrofast line

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product description
  • Description::Ideal cover for sleeping with the problem of excessive sweating. During the night, the human body is excreted from 0.5 to 0.75 liters of water. Due to the dry climate healthier and more comfortable than wet, bed must be permeable and breathable. This is especially true in the surface layers to the sleeper would not be lying in the water, ie. in the so. own pool. Humidity in bed is dangerous because it promotes the formation of rheumatic diseases, therefore it should be allowed to drain into the internal parts of the upholstery and the focus is hygroscopic materials. It is this characteristic has HYDROFAST line cover. Thanks to components that allow good conduction and convection of air, moisture is distributed over the entire surface of the mattress and therefore quickly out of the covers and the mattress without retaining the internal structures. The user feels comfortable, and his dream due to regular changes of air and water continuous and regenerating. characteristics good conduct and release moisture ideal in wet conditions Ingredients of 48% CO (Cotton) 30% of PA (polyamide) 22% PES (Polyester) The surface mass 310 g / m²
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    BERNARDA d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:BERNARDA d.o.o. iz Pušćina, HRVATSKA – Firma Bernarda uspešno posluje od 1998. godine, a svoje je proizvode okitila nizom priznanja, medalja i pohvala kako u Hrvatskoj gde je jedan od najvećih proizvođača kreveta i dušeka tako i u Srbiji gde je za nepunih godinu dana uspela da napravi proboj na tržište ponajviše kvalitetom proizvoda. Ideja vodilja svih ovih godina prisutna u firmi BERNARDA je zdravo spavanje. Zadovoljstvo Vas, cenjenih dosadašnjih i budućih korisnika naše je osnovno usmerenje. Nadamo se da će ove stranice još više unaprediti našu međusobnu komunikaciju jer želimo da vam obezbedimo “DOBAR SAN ZA ZDRAV ŽIVOT”. U firmi je uspostavljen sistem upravljanja kvalitetom u skladu sa zahtevima međunarodne norme ISO9001:2000. Na osnovu toga izvršena je sertifikacija te je firma dobila sertifikat kvaliteta ISO 9001:2000. Proizvodnja je koncipirana prema evropskim standardima, kako u organizacionom, tako i tehničko tehnološkom pogledu.Takođe naši stručnjaci kontinuirano rade na razvoju novih proizvoda i inovacija koje pronalaze svoju praktičnu primenu u stvarnom životu.
    • Contact Person Name:Bernarda
    • Address:Dimitrija Tucovića 77
    • Post Code:11000
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Telephone #:00 381 11 40 55 141
    • Geo Location:Show


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