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Flags for interior decoration

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product description
  • Description::Flags for internal decoration - festive flags, drawn as a double, sewn with fringe and made of crepe satin, which because of its gloss flag gives a festive look. It is pointed out in the offices and showrooms.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:GMT COMPANY
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:GMT COMPANY was founded in 1993 as a company for manufacturing and services in the field of graphics, marketing and trgovine.Posedujemo two types of digital printing, large format sublimatic and solvent for outdoor and indoor, makes us unique in this prostorima.Spremni we answer the most complex requirements clients with European and international standards. We are distinguished by: - High resolution printing - Large printing capacities - Favorable product prices - Short terms of making - Exceptional quality materials and printing
    • Contact Person Name:GMT COMPANY DOO
    • Address:Doris Lesing 5
    • Post Code:11210
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Year registered:1993
    • Total employees:18
    • Geo Location:Show
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