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fresh Pollen

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product description
  • Description::PRIMED pollen is the pollen collected exclusively from domestic sources in the area of Srem. Sid and environment are known for high yield of high-quality pollen. Our beekeepers went even a step ahead in spite of classical pollen planted plantations and honey plants such as California bluebell.
    PRIMED pollen pollen is extremely rich in nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins from the B group), mineral matter, ferments and other active components. PRIMED pollen works with anemia, prostate problems and liver problems and is especially recommended for fertility, expansion of blood vessels after chemotherapy and radiation.
    If you are at all able, Obtain and use the raw pollen. In the drying process loses about 20% of the pollen. After drying, the residual value of pollen losing linear time. After 6 months, this pollen has lost about half its value, so it is not wise to purchase it at the same price. My advice is that after acquiring the month of January dried pollen only if you are confident that after drying stored in the freezer, or if it is stored in a raw state and after removal from the freezer dried.
    Fresh pollen contains more minerals from dried pollen. Fresh pollen pollen is extremely rich in nutrients.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Cortex Labs d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:PRIMED products are high quality and effective products organic composition. Primary care medicine is the name of which was inspired by the priority that these products need to have in maintaining health. The primary method for the treatment of some diseases is acting on the root of the problem. We Cortex Labs, we believe that healthy habits and a healthy diet in the first place and a priority in the prevention but also during treatment of various diseases.
    • Contact Person Name:Stanko Nikolic
    • Address:Gostivarska 78
    • Post Code:11000
    • city: ,
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