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Women's belt model 130 gold

Women's belt model 130 gold

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
590,00 RSD

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product description
  • Description::Belt Glam up
  • Category:Belts
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:Orsus d.o.o.
  • company profile

    Orsus d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:Glam Up celebrates the individual strength and beauty of every woman. We believe that every woman has a personal magic and it interests us. Diversity lies at the heart of our philosophy. Glam Up was created in 2003 with the desire to bring the magic in the everyday lives of its customers. That's why we have fashion accessory for every occasion, for a variety of styles. So celebrate life! And his every moment! Glam Up the meeting place of culture and fashion - a different kind of shopping that encourages you to explore and unleash your natural beauty and unique energy. Our offer includes fashion accessories, handbags and travel program, which are modern, affordable and can be easily combined. Above all, we pride ourselves on a professional level of service that is designed to help you relive your own personal magic. Thank you for your inspiration and let the magic begin
    • Contact Person Name:Nada
    • Address:Proleterska 10
    • Post Code:11272
    • city: ,
    • Geo Location:Show
    • More details
    Price VAT Included:590,00 RSD

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