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Galaxy S5 Nano Glass Screen Protector

  • Galaxy S5 Nano Glass Screen Protector

    Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
    2.880,00 RSD 390,24 RSD

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  • Description::Nano Glass Screen Protector is made from specially treated and tempered clear glass to protect
    LCD from damage and scratches and to maximize shock absorption.
    The glass is designed to be 35% thinner and still maintain its
    a high level of surface hardness of 8 ~ 9 hr. Once installed, there is no gap between the LCD and the
    Nano Glass Screen Protector-which means that the sensitivity of the touch screen remains unchanged.
    In order to prevent the use of excessive force in contact with the edge of the screen protection is recommended
    that the case used in conjunction with Nano Glass Screen Protector included.

    0.3mm thickness.
    Surface hardness: 8 ~ 9 H: Area Galaxy S5 Nano Glass Screen Protector-a
    a hardness of 8-9H, three times more than regular PET film. Nano Glass Screen
    Protector is very scratch-resistant even against sharp objects, such as knives and keys.
    Oleophobic coating: Galaxy S5 Nano Glass Screen Protector has an oleophobic coating that prevents the retention
    fingerprints and other contaminants and makes the film easy to clean.
    A delicate touch: Galaxy S5 Nano Glass Screen Protector is coated with a strong adhesive silicone
    that makes installation easy and firmly attached so that the protection does not affect the sensitivity of the touch screen.

    Anti-Shatter Film: If it breaks, Nano Glass Screen Protector is
    breaks into small pieces that are not sharp, making it safer than other glass products.

    CAUTION: Because this is a product made of glass, keep in mind that the edges of the glass worst affected areas.
    We encourage you to use it together with case to avoid breaking edges Nano Glass Screen Protector.

    When you are downloading for reuse, the adhesive properties may weaken to the extent
    where protection of the screen will not stick to the device. As a result, it is not recommended to
    Nano Glass Screen Protector reused once it has been used.

    Using excessive force when installing or removing the protection screen can damage the product.
  • Availability:Online
  • Company:Medisana
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
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    • Company introduction:Medisana Trade finds, distributes and development of innovative healthcare and products that are not only effective, but also affordable at a price. We have gained a reputation for vendors of products that are extremely good for customers and good quality. When we consider some potential new products we want to know that they are really efekasni as they look to their affordable price and actually offer value for money.
    • Contact Person Name:Nada
    • Address:Jevrejska 13
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    3.5 of 5.0 (1 ratings total)

    Price VAT Included:2.880,00 RSD 390,24 RSD

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