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SECA Profil E spruce

SECA Profil E spruce

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product description
  • Description::Wooden paneling provides a unique combination of practical , aesthetic and environmental benefits : Practical benefits include : Lightweight material that provides protective and decorative function . Dry mounting means fast and easy installation of the facade. By eliminating the severe external coating reduces the size , and therefore the cost of building foundations . Great choice of soft , hard and modified wood that fits every budget . The performance may be easily improved by using a modification of the protective treatment of wood , fire resistant coatings , and UV protection of the surface . It has excellent properties of sound and heat insulation . Suitable for new construction as well as renovation projects . Ease of repair . Aesthetic benefits: Wood is a natural material , warm and comfortable . Attractive patterns and colors. Wide offer of styles , textures and finishes that encourage design innovation . Easily updated and redekorišu . Environmental advantage: Wood is a renewable resource . The global forest certification (FSC and PEFC ) ensures their sustainability . Low emissions - allows lower power consumption than any other building material. Trees removes CO2 from the atmosphere . Using wood is encouraged forest management that helps reduce emissions that cause global warming . Great potential for reuse or recycling at end of life . How is climate change and the reduction of CO2 leads more into account when designing new buildings , wooden enrich provide an ideal and cost effective solution . Accordingly timber has a large environmental benefits compared to other materials .
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