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Sink Swan 600

Sink Swan 600

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
4.600,00 RSD

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product description
  • Description::The largest measures 600
    The white product is available with a hole for the battery or without it
    Color: White
  • Category:Bathroom
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:Domino
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Construction DOMINO centers are synonymous with the purchase of construction materials and sanitary. We are direct importers, distributors and manufacturers of a large part of the field of construction - sanitary materials. Construction Center "Domino" has a showroom chain - stores that have committed to provide its customers a complete range from very wide range of products. Building centers were created with the idea that in one place and offer everything necessary for carrying out any construction work, with constant supplies, a wide array of products in all shopping centers and the possibility of a maximum savings of time and money of buyers.
    • Contact Person Name:Jelena
    • Address:Temerinska br. 110
    • Post Code:21000
    • city:Novi Sad , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
    • More details
    Price VAT Included:3.565,00 RSD

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