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Rollers: For quick painting of buildings and halls to 15.000m2 / Maxi

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product description
  • Description::Stones for quick painting of large surface areas five times higher layer of color on the treated surface. Fiber length 18mm. Prepared as termofuzioni and sewn roller dimensions 45x90mm, 18, 23, 27cm.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Beorol D.O.O.

    • Company introduction:Beorol engaged in the production of hand tools molerskog, import and distribucijum hand tools and accessories for finishing works in construction. As part of its sales range, we have the following items: Hand tools, power tool accessories, welding accessories, ladders, safety equipment, adhesive tapes, mats, lighting, ropes, technical chemistry, garden accessories, sprays.
    • Contact Person Name:Aleksandar Stevanovic
    • Address:Patrijarha Dimitrija 121a
    • Post Code:11090
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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