Cleaning and hygiene services
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product description
Product Description:FMS offers a diverse range of quality services in the cleaning and hygiene industry. We offer customized cleaning and hygiene maintenance services because we are aware that every client has different needs and requirements. Our services include, but are not limited to, professional cleaning of premises, decontamination with hydrogen peroxide, distributing dispensing systems for hand disinfection and inspection and cleaning of ventilation and A/C systems.
Perfect presentation and high cleaning standards can make a significant difference to your customers’ perception of your business and brand. We provide contractual daily, weekly or monthly cleaning of your reception, offices, corridors, workshops, kitchens and canteens with works being undertaken at times that best suit your own operations. FMS has its own janitorial division and will always supply the right equipment for the job, from wiping and mopping systems, through various vacuum types and models to the necessary chemicals. It is very important for us to be able to fully understand your specific requirements so that we can tailor our service to meet your specific needs. We will offer you advice on how to keep a high standard in a cost effective way.
Perfect presentation and high cleaning standards can make a significant difference to your customers’ perception of your business and brand. We provide contractual daily, weekly or monthly cleaning of your reception, offices, corridors, workshops, kitchens and canteens with works being undertaken at times that best suit your own operations. FMS has its own janitorial division and will always supply the right equipment for the job, from wiping and mopping systems, through various vacuum types and models to the necessary chemicals. It is very important for us to be able to fully understand your specific requirements so that we can tailor our service to meet your specific needs. We will offer you advice on how to keep a high standard in a cost effective way.
Category:Cleaning Services
company profile
Facility Menagment Services (Fasiliti Menadzment Servises)
- Company introduction:Фасилити Менаџмент Сервицес ДООЕЛ е друштво кое се занимава со целокупно финансиско управување на имоти и комерцијални објекти, нивно техничко одржување, одржување хигиена со професионални машини и ефикасни средства, хемиско одржување на климатизациски и вентилациски уреди, вклучувајќи и реновирање и преуредување на деловни простории. Меѓу другото Фасилити Менаџмент Сервицес ДООЕЛ е специјализирана компанија која може да Ви обезбеди поддршка при извршување на бизнис активности кои не се дел од Вашата основна дејност во најширока смисла, како и поддршка за влез на пазарот во Македонија уште од самиот почеток па се до завршување на проектот.
- Contact Person Name:Јелена Шорак
- Address:Филип Втори Македонски 3, кат 3 (Васил Аџеларски)
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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