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DVR with 4 inputs DVR-8204AV

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product description
  • Description::Hybrid DVR
    Multiple Recording: Manual, timing, motion detection
    The possibility of recording 4 channels simultaneously
    Višerežimski work: only analog, hybrid or just IP regime
    (only supports IP cameras with Onvif)
    H.264 compression format
    USB 2.0 support for backup
    Monitoring from a remote location
    Supported operating systems: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 / Mac OS 10.6 / 10.7
    Supports Internet browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari
    Analog mode: 4-channel 960H / 4xD1 (Snapshot)
    Hybrid mode: 2 * 2 * D1 + IP Camera (1 * 1080p + 1x720p)
    IP Mode: 9 * D1 / 8 * 960H / 4 * 720P / 1080P 2 * / 1 * 720P + 7 * D1 / 1 * 1 * 1080P + 720P + 2 * D1
    Displaying local: maximum 4x960H @ 25fps
    Video input: 4 x BNC,
    Video output: BNC 1x, 1x HDMI, 1 XVGA
    Audio input: 4 channel RCA
    Audio output: 1 channel RCA
    Alarm: no input / output does not
    Network: RJ45 10M / 100M
    PTZ Control: 1 x RS485
    USB 2.0 Connection: 2 x rear panel, 1 x front panel
    HDD: 1 SATA (max 2TB)
    Voltage: DC 12V / 4A
    Power consumption: <5W (without HDD)
    Dimensions: 330x250x55 mm
    HDD is not supplied with the device
    Working Temm 0 ° C - 55 ° C
    NOTE: The device supports only Onvif protocol for communicating with IP Cameras
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:Elementa
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    • Company introduction:We are the exclusive importers of speakers and audio equipment SAL, then home electronics HOME, SMA tools for electronics, cables and connectors USE. Recently, we market our own brand consumer electronics space. This range can be added the electronic components that are imported from the well-known distributors from EU countries and the Far East. We own its stock, and contingents arriving every third week. Companies that cooperate with us, we offer a stable lager, catalogs assortment of goods, logistical support and reliable terms. In other words, we are the partner you can count on!
    • Contact Person Name:Marko Orčić
    • Address:Jovana Mikića 56
    • Post Code:24000
    • city:Subotica , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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