Sef hotelski
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product description
Description:: SEF TECHNOMAX tip TSW/4H dimenzije 200x405x410mm težine 14,5kg, karakteristike:
•spoljašnja i debljina vrata 5 mm,debljina zida 2mm
•motorizovana digitalno elektronska šifra
•šest digitalnih mesta na displeju
•zabravljivanje sa 2 rigle
•otvaranje pomoću lične šifre(3-6 cifara)
•pamti poslednjih 100 događaja/ displej-zaključavanje
•dimenzije prilagođene veličini laptopa od 15˝
•mogućnost unutrašnjeg napajanja
•Master code i Master ključ za Direkciju Hotela
•baterije uključene u ponudu
•rupe za pričvršćivanje na poleđini i bazi sefa
•boja sivo crna
•spoljašnja i debljina vrata 5 mm,debljina zida 2mm
•motorizovana digitalno elektronska šifra
•šest digitalnih mesta na displeju
•zabravljivanje sa 2 rigle
•otvaranje pomoću lične šifre(3-6 cifara)
•pamti poslednjih 100 događaja/ displej-zaključavanje
•dimenzije prilagođene veličini laptopa od 15˝
•mogućnost unutrašnjeg napajanja
•Master code i Master ključ za Direkciju Hotela
•baterije uključene u ponudu
•rupe za pričvršćivanje na poleđini i bazi sefa
•boja sivo crna
Availability:In Stock
Place of Origin:Italy
Warranty:2 years
company profile
- Company introduction:INTESA was established in September 2000.god.Bavi the selling security locking systems and high-security systems, locks, handles, hinges, cylinders, padlocks, keys raw, burning machine keys and other security equipment. INTESA thanks to a successful business today, one of the leading companies in its field with a range of over 5000 items, with 20 workers employed in the wholesale and four retail stores. Retail stores are located in busy urban streets in Belgrade- first Takovska (Dalmatian 17), second in Macvanska 7, third in Cara Dusan 43 and fourth in the Jurija Gagarin 12b. Within four retail stores operate services to burn keys, starting from the ordinary until the most advanced auto chip keys. INTESA is representative of leading Italian companies manufacturers of fittings, locking systems, represent more than 30 Italian factories, Finnish Abloy factory which cylinder is cylinder future protected from all known methods of unlocking (drilling, extraction, crushing), Israeli factory Mul-t-lock, the Dutch NEMEF, Germany Eff Eff. Abloy Protec cylinder has a steel body that conforms to EN 1303 grade 5, the patent is protected from unauthorized copying key to 2027.godine. As the business expanded, so did the number of clients grew, so today we are working with the most popular manufacturers of doors in Serbia. INTESA always keep up with the latest developments in the market, we assemble the most complicated master system (one key opens more doors) so that it is sufficient to have one key for all the doors that open, rather than carry a bunch of keys. BANK MBH has trained staff for making visokosigurnosnih system and master the system
- Contact Person Name:Rade Arambasic
- Address:Majora Zorana Radosavljevića 283c
- Post Code:11273
- city:Batajnica , Serbia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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