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Fire protection WEIGHT prop

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product description
  • Description::FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS.Name: fire protection mass, mass fire, PP mass
    Tag: PROP

    In practice, there was a need for fire protection installation of various fire protection that pass through walls, so-called. "breakthroughs" in buildings.

    The main application of fire prop mass is:
    cable protection against fire in constructive incursions Fire Resistant walls;
    sealing joints in fire protection partition walls made ​​of different materials;
    protection of electrical and communication cables, as on a shelf and set free
    Fire Resistant protection flap when for some reason the axis butterfly flaps not in the plane of the wall but outside the plane of the wall.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:VIS Company
  • company profile

    VIS Company

    • Company introduction:We provide services and manufacturing is done in the field of passive fire protection. Among the products stand out fire protection dampers (fire dampers) which are certified by the competent institution, widely accepted in professional circles and embedded in many important objects. We possess a wide range of products in the field of processing, distribution and air filtration. We design and implementation of the installation of thermal engineering, automation and electrical installations; as well as their maintenance and servicing.
    • Contact Person Name:Bojan Vukotić
    • Address:Ulica Nikole Tesle 5
    • Post Code:11080
    • city:Zemun , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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